Cashier Office

Cashier Office

Finance & Administration provides essential institutional and instructional support in the areas of finance and budget, purchasing and procurement, contract manangement, insurance and risk management, bookstore, warehouse, mail services, college police services, and graphics and printing services. The Vice President serves as the Chief Financial Officer for the District and the department is committed to providing high-quality service to its internal and external customers, maintaining fiscal stability, and assisting the institution to fulfill its mission and vision.

Click here to see our mission and vision!


  • Ensure your mailing address is current*.
  • Ensure you are registered for the term.
  • Emailing including the following information:
    • Full name on student record
    • Solano student identification number
    • Confirm current mailing address
  • Initial issuance of Student ID is offered at no cost. Replacement IDs is $5.00. Pay online or by sending a payment authorization form to

For more information, click here

  • Ensure your mailing address is current*.
  • Ensure you are registered for the term.
  • Emailing including the following information:
    • Full name on student record
    • Solano student identification number
    • Confirm current mailing address

For more information, click here

For more information, click here

We are currently not implementing the “Drop for non-payment”.

If you need assistance in paying for your outstanding fees, please reach out to the Financial Aid Office and see if there’s any financial aid that may be extended to you.

If you have plans to register for a future term and have outstanding fees from the past term, you may be eligible for a payment plan (subject to review and approval). Contact the Cashier Office at to inquire more information about this.

When requesting services from either the Cashier Office or Admissions and Records Office, you will be asked to provide your SCC ID # or your social security number per FERPA regulations and student privacy. Please use your MySolano student email to communicate with us regarding your account. All fee receipts and registration schedules will display your SCC ID. Your social security number has been removed from these documents.

1098-T forms are available on MySolano account. Original forms are mailed out at the end of January. Make sure you have a current mailing address and SSN on file to avoid delays in receiving your original copy of the form.

1098-T FAQs

Refunds are processed at the end of the census date of the new term and will be issued within 5-7 business days. If you accidentally made a double payment or wish to be refunded, send an email to the cashier office at with your SCC ID and current mailing address and your refund will be processed as soon as possible, usually within a week.

For more information, click here

Fees are due upon registration, before start of term. You must have all fees paid in full to register for classes at Solano Community College. If you owe fees, you will have holds placed on your account that will prevent future registration for classes AND may prevent you from dropping classes that you are currently registered in. Additionally, Solano Community College may drop students from all classes for non-payment of fess prior to the start of a semester or term.

First identify the ‘type of hold’ on your account. Email in order to check the type of hold that is preventing you to register for the term.

Contact Us for Assistance

Located in the 400 Building, First Floor
(between Counseling and Admissions & Records)


Window Hours

Phone Hours

9 am – 4 pm
8:30 am – 4:30 pm
9 am – 4 pm
8:30 am – 4:30 pm
9 am – 4 pm
8:30 am – 4:30 pm
9 am – 4 pm
8:30 am – 4:30 pm
Closed (except on payday)
Note: If pay day falls on Friday, pickup schedule is from 9 am – 12:00 noon
8:30 am – 3 pm
Window hours
Phone Hours
9am - 4pm
8:30am - 4:30pm
9am - 4pm
8:30am - 4:30pm
9am - 4pm
8:30am - 4:30pm
9am - 4pm
8:30am - 4:30pm
9am - 2pm
8:30am - 3pm

     Please review Academic Calendar for dates that campus is closed:

Contact the cashier office at (707) 864-7000, ext. 7210 or email